Drought Resource Center


We understand how daunting it is to fight drought and water scarcity. Smart water networks are a proven solution to this problem and provide real-time information about the location and severity of issues in the water distribution system or in homes and businesses. Smart water networks can increase water system efficiency and save water now and in the future. Did you know:

  • One-third of utilities around the globe report a loss of more than 40-precent of clean water due to leaks
  • Reducing leaks by 5 percent, coupled with up to a 10 percent reduction in pipe bursts, can save utilities up to $4.6 billion every year
  • With a smart water network, many public service providers immediately discover a daily loss of thousands of gallons of water due to leaks. One utility even found a single leak causing 200,000 gallons of water loss each day.

Sensus Smart Water Network Solution

Smart Technologies

Our smart water network combines advanced sensors, software and services with the FlexNet™ communication system to enable water conservation and better management of the public service.

Take a look at our solution:

  • We are the world’s largest manufacturer of water meters and we lead the market in advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) deployments.
  • The Sensus FlexNet system is a long-range radio solution that enables a smart water network to collect data from many endpoints and then quickly and securely deliver it to the public service provider. The power of the network means reliability and fewer access points required to capture and transmit data. Because it’s scalable, the network supports multiple applications including leak detection, pressure management and metering.
  • It’s good to have options when it comes to managing your system. You can rely on us to manage and operate your smart water network without breaking the bank. We’ll put your system in a private cloud where our experts will monitor your servers and network connections around the clock from secure data centers. With managed services, you can reduce IT and operational costs, lessen risk through disaster recovery and system configuration, and increase security and availability.